JULIAN's Brigade

JULIAN’s nonviolent, direct-action organizing arm.

In joining this club of being—in walking into your identity—know that you are not doing this for us. It’s for you so that what you feel, you won’t have to hide anymore. Who you are won’t have to be diluted or disguised.

How to be a Superhero
How to be a Superhero

We've overcome challenge after challenge, one setback after another.

We've made hope an article of faith and greatness an impulse.

We've learned that just because something is an impossibility, that doesn't mean it's impossible.We've brought ideas to life; made the abstract real; turned a movement of hope into lasting, unyielding change.

‍Everything we've fought through has made us more powerful, our possibilities more apparent, our common ties knotted.

So, if you ever doubt your ownership of this movement, if you ever question whether your work will be in vain, think of the lives you’ll transform, the nation you’ll change, the battle you’ll win.


You’ve come too far and worked too long to wave a white flag now. We’re ready to finish this with you, and we’re not alone.

People are coming out from their homes and campus grounds, and they’ve joined. They've come out of buildings and dormitories. We’re filling the streets.

That mother who knows her family will be okay because her daughter will be safe, she's going to finish this with you.

That 22-year-old college student who can feel safe driving at night because he is protected rather than preyed upon, he's marching with you.

That man who overcame everything, gave into nothing, felt freedom and wants more, he's ready to walk this last mile with you.

We're grabbing hold, arm to arm, shoulder to shoulder and we're marching into that new hope that John Lewis talked about.

We're going forward, moving into that change we demanded 12 years ago. We're finishing this race, and it's not just us.

We're going forward, moving into that change we demanded 12 years ago. We're finishing this race, and it's not just us…


We founded The Brigade—we found you—because we love you and want us all to be free. The Brigade’s organizers criss-cross the country, building relationships within communities and engaging with folks on couches and porches about the issues that matter to them most.

JULIAN trains the newly organized community, working with them to change the issues they deem unjust. We then mount creative and innovative issue campaigns to fix those issues. And we don’t stop until freedom comes.

We come with no agendas. No BS. No stuffing. The question JULIAN asks each community is “What would make you happy, healthy, and whole?” The answers to that question inform our strategy in each locale.

This is the page to hear first-hand stories from our organizers on the ground and those impacted.

Read our blog

This is the page to hear first-hand stories from our organizers on the ground and those impacted.


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