WOLB-AM (Radio)

WOLB-AM (Radio)

WOLB-AM (Radio)

arrest of a handcuff black driver can you tell us about that well as a couple of cases in Mississippi in this ties in the IMIC peel and so certainly what goes on here. She would tell you, she told me as their Attorney and one of my key admissions and fighting for the material that the exposed the continuing racism and injustice in Mississippi we get two cases here that I'm involved in And one is the case of them Dobbins chief Sam Dobbins, the recently fired Lexington miss that be police chief who the whole World was sacked brother was talking about masses well what he is a police chief that was just the case came out and he he brag that he's got that in I TER 119 times I mean they this came out with

him talking to a black officer. He said to this officer that he had killed 13 people, all of them justify and the but you say no. He said he killed 13 people and all all of them justified by his system of justification and he admits that he knew have a no to fix the books to cover up students and to conceal killing that his Committee any advocated even to this officer that he go out and kill in cold blood and he will cover for and so all of this just shows you annie confirms our worst fears in policing of what we thought. Yeah, hold authority. How do we know that he'll probably say is doing just it was just kid

can do have no and no is not a defense. No, it's not a defense and he has at record. That's why I'm here on this case. Though he has this is one of the most corrupt police departments in America OK. of all, I want to give pause and give credit here right now because of Mississippi freedom Democratic Park, which carries a legacy of Fannie Lou Hamer and there's a civil rights law firm in Washington DC that file suit on him and the current police chief. They called Julia j UL I in in the other of our book Julian burn OK so I'm I'm working in the same legal spirits now attacking this case they have lost a major piece of litigation against former cheese Dobbins and the current chief Henderson because what they're doing. There is the arresting people there for persecuting activist and it's a majority-black

Powell ran by small clinical White and they're just and they're coming under a retaliation for what sam Dobbins that made it that's just the tip of the iceberg OK so we just talk about two cases he I know it's another one you make this is one Lexington miss Mississippi them the happens and there's a lot of action we could talk about that and this other

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